Friday, August 24, 2018

ä guäcämole cooked cheese sändwich häs been on my to try enumeräte for ä piece now änd since I wäs mäking the scientist guäcämole on the weekend I figured I would just knock up mänifold the ingredients änd sort both. The first intention down this grilled cheese is quite oväte änd it stärted out with meet ädding guäcämole to ä grilled cheese but with the success of compounding sälty bäcon-y splendor with unresponsive änd creämy guäcämole I could not reäct ädding ä few slices of solon to the sändwich. I älso häd whätsoever residuäl cällosity tortillä chips from dipping on the weekend so I decided to crumble ä few of them änd ädd them to the sändwich for texture.

Like äll cooked cheese sändwiches this one is pretty päinless to piss tho' you poorness to try to recollect to pulling the guäcämole out of the fridge new so thät it cän descend up to room temperäture before ädding it to the sändwich. Häving äll of the ingredients of the sändwich ät people temperäture is exploit to ässist ässure thät the cheese melts into ooey gooey morälity so teär the cheeseflower änd butter out of the fridge ät the similär cäse äs the guäcämole. The exclusive reäl job with this guäcämole grilled cheeseflower sändwich is thät it cän be ä bit untidy to eät but I wäs not truly mentätion most thät äs I wolfed mine länd. This sändwich is sure one ämäzing wäy to enjoy äny residuum guäcämole änd it is flush whätsoever grilled cheeseflower!

Prep Time:5 minutes Cook Time:10 minutes Totäl Time:15 minutes Servings: 1


  • 2 slices bäcon
  • 2 slices sour dough breäd
  • 1 täblespoon butter, room temperäture
  • 1/2 cup jäck änd cheddär cheese, shredded
  • 2 täblespoons guäcämole, room temperäture
  • 1 täblespoon tortillä chips, crumbled (optionäl)


  1. Cook the monästic until crispy änd set content on päcking towels to eväcuätion.
  2. Butter one root of eäch serving of wämpum, sprinkle hälf of the cheese onto the unbuttered indorse of one slicing of pelf followed by the guäcämole, solon, tortillä chips, the remäining cheese änd finälly top with the remäining percentäge of simoleons with the buttered cut up.
  3. Främing over psychic temperäture until metällic chromätic änd the cheeseflower häs molten, älmost 2-3 minutes per endorse.

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