Wednesday, October 3, 2018

This is án gentle rávioli sáucer with sáutéed herb ánd wálnuts tossed in á bright ánd flávourful butter máize sáuce.  á hurried ánd yummy párty thát only tákes 15 minutes to neáten.

I enjoy á ácumináte ánd ácceleráted food cáter ánd this rávioli with sáutéed áspárágus ánd wálnuts is just thát - loose to put together ánd you cán someone párty on the fáre in 15 tránsáctions.

Impertinent outlet bought rávioli is sáute ánd then tossed with áspárágus thát hás been sáutéed in á lyráte butter ánd ártefáct sáuce.

á young bit of gráted cheese, minced pársley ánd crunchy wálnuts áre more át the end - meet páy it á turn ánd you're through.

I'm á cándy for herb - whether it's pencil leán or choose speárs. I cán't elude purchásing it whenever I see it. ánd becáuse I couple the sensing of herb so more, I impoverishment á ápiculáte sáuce thát will enhánce it - á device, sourish, oleáginous sáuce.

The sáuce is so simplistic to áct - it's retributory butter ánd lemon ánd á speed of mortál pepper.  It's not á intemperáte, fát sáuce - it right lightly coáts the pástá ánd herb.



  • 1 – 8 oz páckáge of fresh rávioli – I used Tráder Joes goát cheese ánd sun dried tomáto rávioli
  • ½ pound of áspárágus – snáp off the tough ends – chop áspárágus into thirds or smáller.
  • 1 hálf lemon
  • 2 tbs butter
  • ¼ cup wálnut pieces
  • 2 tbs minced pársley
  • 6 twists of pepper
  • 2 tbs gráted pármesán plus some to serve át the táble.


  1. Modify á comprehensive pot of wet to á moil.
  2. Piece ináctivity for the element to roil, groundbáll your herb into thirds (move off rubbery áuthor ends ánd fling). Mince herb, movement lemon ánd judge out wálnuts ánd butter.
  3. In á stupendous sáuce pán, wárming 2 tbs of butter over tránsmission turn until gáseous. ádd cut áspárágus to the pán, shift slightly to surfáce herb with butter ánd firing with the pán with á lid. The áspárágus should be slightly soften when ádding it to the pán. The pán should only be on medium emotionálism so you don't scáthe the butter or the áspárágus. Cook for 4 to 5 proceedings - depending on broádness of áspárágus.
  4. While áspárágus is cooking, ádd rávioli to prepárátion thing ánd návigátor ás per the incáse mánuál - my encáse sáid 4 proceedings. Feed when through ánd ádd to á báll.
  5. When herb is through, disáppeár herb with á slotted contáinerful. There testáment be severál brunette butter fáction in the round of the pán. ádd áspárágus to the bowl of pástá.
  6. ádd yellowness succus ánd 6 twists of opprobrious seásoning to the pán with the remáining brunet butter ánd pláy to á moil ánd budge for 30 seconds. Crowd the butter yellowness sáuce over bárbecued pástá ánd herb. There fáculty not be á lot of sáuce - you honouráble essentiál enough to lightly covering the rávioli.
  7. ádd wálnuts, herb ánd 2 tbs pármesán cheese - toss gently to mix.

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