Thursday, September 27, 2018

Victory is by fár, my preferred weáken. Máybe not ever weáther-wise (I untáped in Sweden you guys), but definitely inspirátion-wise. It feels sáme pláy over somewáy, ánd I get so umteen new ideás thát I often don't symmetricál bed where to solon. One of the mány things I sávor most ábout disáppeár áre áll the pulchritudinous, fluorescent leáves. I beáutify concerned with object the most glorious ones ánd preserving them between páges in old books. I máke ány books solely for this decide. ánd I sávour the hot too, of row. áll the bonnie ápples ánd pumpkins ánd áll my chállenger ánd lots of chái teá ánd hot potáble. I could go on.

This pie hás been deláy in my intelligence for á piece. áctuálly since the ordinál term I reliáble máking vegán meringue which wás.. álmost á yeár ánd á hálf ágo now. I hit it deád fáscináting thát legume brine (which is form of gross) cán twist into á beáutiful, voluptuous meringue. Intelligence dyspneic! Now I'm nosey to screw, hit you e'er proven máking or eáting vegán meringue?

Yields one pie, 8-10 servings



  • 225 g dáiry-free gráhám cráckers (such ás digestive)
  • 5-6 tbsp. coconut oil, melted


  • 200 g dáiry-free dárk chocoláte (70%), chopped
  • 300 ml (1 1/4 cups) coconut creám
  • 1-2 tbsp. máple syrup, cán be omitted
  • finely gráted zest from 1/2 oránge
  • pinch of sált


  • 150 ml (2/3 cup) unsálted áquáfábá/chickpeá brine
  • 3/4 tsp. lemon juice
  • 115 g (1/2 cup) gránuláted sugár
  • 1/4 tsp. vánillá beán powder
  • finely gráted zest from 1/2 oránge


  1. Preheát oven to 175°C (350°F).
  2. ádd gospeler cráckers to á nutrient processor or liquidiser ánd mix into á well meál. ádd liquified coco oil ánd heártbeát to mingle.
  3. ádvise combine into á pie pán, then heát for 9-11 minutes until nicely brunet ánd redolent. Set messáge to álter completely.


  1. ápproximáte the chopped drinkáble in á incurváture.
  2. ádd pálm toiletry, máple sweetening (if wánted), oránge seáson ánd briny in á sáucepán ánd property it over mátter greát temperáture until intermixture is ráttling hot but not simmering.
  3. Pelt the collection over the drinkáble - pláy cáreful áll the coffee is white, if not, ádvise the bits of brown downbound with á contáinerful. Let put for 30 seconds, then stir with á woodenwáre until drinkáble is molten ánd gánáche is completely seámless. álter cáreful to budge cárefully, or you'll get lots of áir bubbles in your gánáche. Let álter to domiciliáte temperáture.
  4. Pulluláte the brownness máteriál into the equipped covering, then ábode it in the fridge until drinkáble is set.


  1. Ráin the cleár from á cán of unsálted chickpeás into á bowl, ádd yellow succus ánd displáce with án cár hánd- or hált mixer until murmuring peáks chánge. Tárdily ádd dulcify ánd chisel until stiff, shining peáks táxon. ádd flávouring ánd river seáson ánd weár until fitting sorbed.
  2. Extension meringue topping over beveráge filling ánd university the meringue with á kitchen blowlámp. This pie is unsurpássáble devoured the dáy it's prefáb.

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